
The JSP 2018 will start on Monday at 10:00 and will end on Wednesday at 12:00.
Click on the icon (right column) to download the detailed program →


Nicolas Pinna — Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Inst. of Chemistry, Functional Materials, KEYNOTE
Atomic Layer Deposition on Nanostructured Energy Materials

Didier Gigmes — Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS (ICR), INVITED
Synthesis of single-ion BAB tri-blockcopolymers as efficient electrolytes for lithium metal batteries

Stéphane Jobic — Université de Nantes, CNRS (IMN), INVITED
Can nanostructuration help in stabilization of p-type charge carriers in zinc oxide?


Laure Giamberini — Université de Lorraine, CNRS (LIEC) KEYNOTE
Multibiomarker assessment of cross effects of nanomaterials and salinity on two freshwater and estuarine endobenthic bivalves

Mélanie Davranche — Université de Rennes 1, CNRS (Géosciences Rennes), INVITED
Iron/Organic Matter nano-associations: Structure and network control on surface properties

Claire Lomenech — Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS (INPHYNI), INVITED
AA biochar-based nanocomposite for water depollution by adsorption and magnetic filtration


Jean-François Lutz — Université de Strasbourg, CNRS (ICS), KEYNOTE
From Single-Chain Digital Polymers to Organized Coded Matter

Maria Tchernycheva — Université Paris Sud, CNRS (C2N), INVITED
Flexible optoelectronic devices based on nitride nanowires

Isabelle Philip — Université de Montpellier, CNRS (LCC) INVITED


Rachel Grange — ETHZ (Optical Nanomaterial Group), KEYNOTE
Beyond metals and semiconductors: nano-oxides for nonlinear photonic devices

Guillaume Schull — Université de Strasbourg, CNRS (IPCMS), INVITED
STM-induced light emission: from molecular LED to subnanometric optical microscopy

Christian Grillet — Université de Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale Lyon, CNRS (INL), INVITED
Sources supercontinuum intégrées pour le moyen infra-rouge


Jean-Pierre Benoit — Université d'Angers, INSERM, CNRS (MINT), KEYNOTE
Nanomedicines to combat cancer: what are the limits?

David Peyrade — Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, CEA (LTM), INVITED
Micro et nanotechnologies: Des solutions pour les maladies chroniques

Véronique Gigoux — Université Toulouse III, INSA, INSERM, CNRS (LPCNO), INVITED
Magnetic Intra-Lysosomal Hyperthermia: a new targeted nanomedecine for cancer treatment.

Highlights in CNano PACA

* Beniamino Sciacca (CINAM) — Aix-Marseille Univ., CNRS (CINAM), Young Scientist in PACA, Marseille
Self-assembled monocrystalline nanopatterns for optoelectronics

Philippe Boucaud — CNRS Sophia Antipolis (CRHEA), Highlight in PACA, Nice
III-N nanophotonics on silicon

Adrien Casanova— Aix-Marseille Univ., CNRS (LP3), Young Scientist in PACA, Marseille
Nanowire based bioplatform for electrical monitoring of electrogenic cells

Romain Parret — Aix-Marseille Univ., CNRS (CINaM), Young Scientist in PACA, Marseille
Hyperbolic mid-infrared photodetector based on heterostructures of graphene and boron nitride

Lionel Patrone — Aix-Marseille Univ., ISEN, CNRS (IM2NP), Highlight in PACA, Toulon
Ordering small organic molecules within self-assembled monolayers for tuning the electrical and optical properties of surfaces

Detailed Program
